Episode 46: He loves it when tenants skip out on rent!

Episode 46: He loves it when tenants skip out on rent!

On this episode, Justin Fraser of True Multifamily reveals how he loves tenant skips and the advantages it brings to the property. He explains what a tenant skip is and how he encourages it to target undesirable tenants. Also, he shares great tips on how to promote tenant skips on your property.

Episode 47: He shares the benefits of a real world cost seg report and what it means for investors!

Episode 47: He shares the benefits of a real world cost seg report and what it means for investors!

Episode 45: His occupancy dropped from 100% to 0 and climbed back again on his first multifamily deal!

Episode 45: His occupancy dropped from 100% to 0 and climbed back again on his first multifamily deal!