Episode 53: He saves sellers over $100k by inspecting before the sale!

Episode 53: He saves sellers over $100k by inspecting before the sale!

In this episode, Justin Fraser talks to Wally Conway of Monument Commercial Building Inspections about buying apartments, inspections, and due diligence. Wally lays out his due diligence process and how having a complete understanding of the physical condition of the asset is vital to multifamily investing.

He also stresses the importance of knowing how the Math works when it comes to due diligence, giving us tips to be more refined in your offer by having a redefined scope through great due diligence.

Episode 54: He built a community to teach personal finance to highschool students!

Episode 54: He built a community to teach personal finance to highschool students!

Episode 52: He got his passion for dentistry back by investing in real estate!

Episode 52: He got his passion for dentistry back by investing in real estate!