Episode 50: They transform lives through real estate one acquisition at a time!

Episode 50: They transform lives through real estate one acquisition at a time!

On True Multifamily's 50th episode, Justin talks to Matt Faircloth & Hervé Francois of The DeRosa Group. They talk about the lessons they learned on their latest acquisition, about the roles they played in the team, and the importance of a purposeful and supportive team when it comes to multifamily.

Matt talks about how to making a great impact, detailing the importance of a solid team and structure. He digs deep on what "The Four Seats on the Bus" are when it comes to building a team and targeting specific markets.

Hervé shares how he went from being on Wall Street to hunting properties for The DeRosa Group. He talks about how to efficiently work with a team as an acquisitions manager.

Episode 51: He repositions assets in three crucial steps!

Episode 51: He repositions assets in three crucial steps!

Episode 49: He faced a hard choice to save his property!

Episode 49: He faced a hard choice to save his property!